Working Hours Monday - Sunday 09:00-19:00
Toll Free 403 891 6421

    Operational Garage

    With Kangaroo Renovations, you will get a garage equipped with all the necessary functionalities. Your garage will have everything you need, from storage spaces to electric outlets.

    High-Quality Materials

    In our garage renovations in Calgary, we only use high-quality and durable materials. High-Quality Materials ensure the longevity of our projects and keep our clients away from future inconvenience.

    Efficient Space Management

    A garage is not only about keeping your car, but it should also have space for other important things. That’s why we build garages with effective space management to get the most out of it.

    Want a garage for your car with everything equipped? Call us to book your garage renovation in Calgary.

    Opening Times
    All Days: 09:00 - 19:00
    Our Location
    415 Redstone Walk NE, Calgary, AB
    Customer Support
    403 891 6421